Our Pet Dog Classes

Our core classes are run as block courses with a set number of spaces available.

This structure provides 3 key elements:

Allows us to get to know you and your dog properly, ensuring that we can take care of your needs as comprehensively as possible.

Allows the dogs to genuinely settle into class life whilst gaining appropriate social experience.

Allows yours and their training to be progressive.

This service is run in our full-time facility providing both indoor and outdoor training space.

Pet Dog Classes Timetable


10am Beginners

11.15am Novice

12.15pm Intermediate

1.15pm Advanced

6pm Beginners

7.15pm Novice

8.15pm Intermediate

9.15pm Advanced


9.30am Advanced

10.30am Intermediate

6pm Advanced

7pm Beginners

8.15pm Intermediate


10am Intermediate

11am Advanced

12pm Novice

1pm Beginners

6pm Beginners

7.15pm Novice

8.15pm Intermediate

9.15pm Advanced


9.30am Advanced

10.30am Beginners

11.45am Novice

12.45pm Intermediate

Alternative pet dog group training experiences are also available on our other site.

Our Sports Classes

We are passionate about opening doorways for handlers and dogs to explore different activities with their dogs. The Sports available with us can vary according to season, demand & timetabling so it is worth keeping an eye out for our updates.

These classes include activities such as:




and more...

Sports Classes Timetable


Mondays: 9.45am

Rally Obedience:



2.15pm Advanced 3.45pm



7.15pm 8.15pm



Beginners 9.45am

Advanced 11am

Intermediate 12.15pm

Scent Detection Work:


5.15pm 6.30pmm

Get In Touch

Interested? Why not contact us

Want to find out more information about our classes, workshops and more?. Feel free to fill in the form and a member of out team will be in touch with you. Alternatively, you can call us using the button below.

Get In Touch

Monday 9am - 1pm

Tuesday 9am - 2pm

Wednesday 9am - 1pm

Thursday 9am - 1pm

Friday 9am - 5pm

*Times can vary on occasion